Runs service

Runs service

Rotomail Italia offers all publishers an on-line sevice to manage the digital printing of their books, starting with runs of 100 copies.

Using the Runs section of the website, the publisher can enter the titles in its catalogue on line and keep them available for printing at all times: during the introduction of a title, the publisher specifies the technical information (format, paper, print type, etc) and can upload the pdf files of the cover and content.

The pre-flight system will carry out a real time check of the files in terms of quality and dimensions and will indicate the outcome of the check.
Once the book has been added to the archive, the publisher can simulate printing quotations and order runs from 100 copies.
It is possible to order test copies from just one copy (attention: some paper types for content may not be avaible for test copies).

The system also offers a section dedicated to the tracking and real time monitoring of all the print production phases and an area for the management of the list of delivery addresses.

The on-line service is absolutely free and does not require the installation of any software. To learn how to activate the serviceclick here.


For support, further information or clarification of doubts, visit the “FAQ“ page or contact us at or +39 02 251501.